San Rafael

San Rafael department is located in Mendoza province. It has 31.235 km² and 350.000 habitants, it limited with San Carlos, Santa Rosa and La Paz (In the north), Gral. Alvear (in the south-east), Malargüe (in the south), and Chile (in the west).
It has some important rivers, for example: Diamante river and Atuel river. The weather is tempered, with hot summers and cold winters.
San Rafael has been growing, now it surface is full of new houses and stores. It has many places for tourists, for entretainment, food, etc., we are going to mention them in our blog:

lunes, 31 de mayo de 2010

Cinemas and theatres

  • Holidays Cinema
  • Roma theatre.
San Rafael, is not a good place to go to the cinema, because it quality is not so good, Holiday Cinema, has 2 rooms, and no more than 4 moovies are shown per week.
The theatre, is not so big, and there aren`t many plays shown, some magicians are bands has came, but no imoportant spectaculous.
We have to say that San Rafael is not a good place to do this kind of things.

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